Implementación de ciclos de autoevaluación basados en evidencias. Se realiza dos veces al año.


SPARX UK es la plataforma que nos está ayudando a alcanzar mejores aprendizajes en matemáticas, con nuestros estudiantes del Ciclo Media.


The Learning Hub es un portal que entrega herramientas para el desarrollo profesional de nuestro staff, basado en las experiencias exitosas de toda la red de colegios ISP, en cursos diseñados por especialistas de las distintas áreas que inciden directamente en los procesos de aprendizaje del estudiante.


Participamos en el examen de progreso internacional, basada en la evaluación PISA, para ayudar a mejorar el aprendizaje en las áreas de: matemáticas, ciencias, escritura y lectura en inglés.


Certificación Cambridge (2021)

Nuestros estudiantes podrán acceder a la certificación de esta importante institución británica en puntos críticos del proceso de aprendizaje. (Usar logo de Cambridge, tal como el de Anglia).


Anglia Examination

Anglia Examinations nos permite evaluar las habilidades de nuestros estudiantes, referente a la adquisición del inglés como lengua extranjera. El conjunto de exámenes de Anglia General English mide las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas: escuchar, leer, hablar y escribir.


The ISP Model United Nations (ISP MUN) is a truly international and multicultural event where our students come together from around the world to experience an educational simulation of a real UN conference. This activity invites the school community to join a real-life committee representing a country’s delegation. The task is to debate with other countries to solve an international issue in a diplomatic manner following the ideals from the Charter of the United Nations. Student delegates learn about diplomacy, international relations, research techniques, public speaking, debating, compromise, and writing skills in addition to improving their critical thinking, teamwork and leadership abilities.


The programme offers our students amazing and diverse learning opportunities within a safe and secure environment. Buddy exchange students gain real-world learning skills and greater independence. They plan and prepare for a trip across the world, live in a new home with a new, supportive family, have the chance to thrive in a new learning environment with projects and assignments aimed at the student’s level of learning and understanding and they receive daily support and guidance from colleagues and other students in their new school. Students enjoy a memorable international and cultural learning experience to develop their language skills, communicate ideas in a different way, share good practice and create long-term friendships across the globe. (Video: virtual buddy exchange programme). Due to the postponement of our in-person International Learning Opportunities due to Covid-19, we decided to launch a new virtual programme the ISP Virtual Buddy Exchange Programme (VBEP) for our students. This is a follow on to the ISP Buddy Exchange, which will return when it is safe to travel again.

Logo VBEP color

The ISP Film Festival provides an amazing opportunity for our students aged 13 – 18 years old to take part in a free four-month filmmaking programme. Groups of students from ISP Schools learn about many different aspects of the film industry from planning to post-production and together produce and submit a short film which will be voted on and assessed by other students and a panel of experts. There are many benefits for students in creating a short film and participating in this type of programme, including contributing to their ability to work creatively and collaboratively over a longer period of time and enabling them to apply 21st Century technological skills, whilst drawing on their creative and organisational strengths.


The ISP Maths Challenge is one of our exciting International Learning Opportunities for students. The online competition enables students from ISP Schools to compete with each other through fun activities and challenges, with the opportunity for them to also go head-to-head with other ISP students in real-time races that test the speed and accuracy of mathematics fluency. Learning is at the heart of everything we do at ISP and Mathematics is a core subject in all ISP school curriculums. Maths encourages logical reasoning and plays a crucial role in understanding the contents of other school subjects such as science, social studies, and even music and art. Not only this but, maths supports analytical thinking and better reasoning which is essential in problem-solving!


I am an ISP Scientist launched in 2021 and is open to ISP students aged 8-14 years old from our schools around the world. This opportunity is a free, real-world STEM research project through citizen science, enabling them to: * Connect classroom learning to real research. * Develop greater understanding of scientific methodology. * Participate in enquiry-based learning. * Practise transferable skills such as problem-solving, teamwork and communication. Each year the I am an ISP Scientist project has a central theme. In 2021 the theme was Plastic Pollution and we partnered with the fantastic team at Ellipsis Earth to enable ISP students to use cutting edge technology to help map the journey of missing plastic and identify trends to help influence environmental change.


As an organisation we are embarking on a pathway to a more sustainable future and are committed to leaving behind a better world for both current and future students. Through our new ISP Futures Programme, we reflect on what we want the International Schools Partnership (ISP) and the schools and offices within our group, to be like in ten, twenty and fifty years’ time. We currently have 50 schools in 15 different countries, climates and cultures, but we all have one Earth in common


After the success of our regional pilot chess competitions in 2020, we are very excited that the ISP Chess Tournament is now one of our yearly 11 International Learning Opportunities available to ISP students. This programme is open to ISP students aged 5 – 18 years old from around the world. The free online competition will bring our students together in school teams to play fast chess with each other in a global tournament through Lichess.org