Student Life

Student Life

School Coexistence

School Coexistence focuses on a long-term perspective. It is conceived as a support system to ensure that the educational experience allows students to prepare for living in a diverse society. This approach requires citizens who understand diversity and develop the skills to engage with it in a respectful, beneficial, and positive manner.

Cafeteria Service

COAN Chile manages the cafeteria services at Colegio Pedro de Valdivia Las Condes, providing lunch for students. The cafeteria operates from Monday to Friday, from 12:15 PM to 2:30 PM. The cost of a lunch ticket for 2024 is $4,450. For logistical reasons in meal preparation, parents who purchase the service must buy the ticket by 11:30 AM on the same day at the latest. For inquiries, please contact:

Students who choose to bring their lunch from home should use a thermal container for hot food or a regular container for cold food.

The cafeteria enrolls students from their first day of classes.



Workshops, an integral part of our educational offering, take place after the academic day and are designed for the various levels of our students. These workshops provide an enriching experience in different areas such as academics, opportunities for recreation, learning through various activities, fostering socialization, teamwork, and encouraging the acquisition of fundamental values.

Kids Club

Extracurricular activities for Playgroup, Pre-Kinder, and Kinder students.

Each afternoon, Kids Club students are encouraged to develop various skills through:

  • Dance & Games
  • Mindfulness
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Cooking
  • Sports

Frequently Asked Questions - Kids Club

Who participates in Kids Club?

Kids Club is for children in Playgroup, Pre-Kinder, and Kinder.

Who is in charge?

Each session is supervised by an Educator and a Helper (either an Educator or a Childcare Technician).

Where are the activities held?

Activities take place both inside and outside the classrooms in the Infant cycle area.

Where do they have lunch?

Each group will have lunch in their designated classroom, accompanied by the Educator and Helper.

What should be sent for lunch?

Children should bring their lunch from home. It can be either in a thermos for hot food or a container for cold food. A healthy snack is also recommended.

How are the children grouped?

Children are grouped into mixed-age classes with 20 students per group. This setup encourages collaboration, empathy, and peer support.