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Learning Cycles

Admission Process

Ordinary period
15 - March / 31 - May

Extraordinary period
1 - June / 31 - December

Hello! We are the Admissions team at the school.

We love meeting families and sharing everything about our educational experience with you. We understand how important it is to choose the right school for your children, and we are here to make this process comfortable and welcoming for you.

At Colegio Pedro de Valdivia Las Condes, we offer a unique educational experience that we would love to share with all the families interested in becoming part of our community. We care deeply about the care, learning, and well-being of your children, and we are excited that you are considering joining us.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to our team if you have any questions or need more information. We are here to assist you every step of the way.
We look forward to meeting you soon!

Admissions Team

Admission Requirements

Requirements for foreign students

Frequently asked questions

Playgroup: 3 years old by 31 March 2025.

Pre-Kindergarten: 4 years old by 31 March 2025.

Kindergarten: 5 years old by 31 March 2025.

Grade 1: 6 years old by 31 March 2025.

The applicant must meet the age requirements of the ministerial regulations and participate in an interview with the school's Admissions Coordinator. The priority criteria for the use of vacancies will be determined as follows:

  1. Applicants with siblings in the College.
  2. Children of former students or staff of the College.
  3. Reinstatement of ex-students due to the transfer of their proxies.
  4. Student transfers between ISP schools
  5. New students

CPV International School Las Condes, applies diagnostic tests.

Language, Mathematics and English tests will be administered to applicants from 1st Grade to 4th Grade.

Playgroup, Prekinder and Kinder applicants will be given a socio-emotional skills assessment through games with the cycle's Training Team with an assessment guideline.

The Training Team will carry out assessments in the socio-emotional area with key questions and observation of the applicants with an assessment guideline.

If necessary, the training team will interview the applicant family.

Once the documentation is received, you will be contacted to coordinate the payment and schedule the 2024-2025 admission test, depending on the corresponding level.

The admission test has an associated cost of $40,000.

After taking the test, you will be informed of the result of the admission test by e-mail within one week.

Once the acceptance of the student has been received, the parent/guardian must make an appointment with the Collection Office to formalise the enrolment within a maximum of 5 working days. After this period, the place will be released for another applicant.

- Ordinary application period: From 1 January to 24 May.

- Extraordinary application period: Consult the Admissions Department, according to available vacancies.

- Publication of the list of admitted students:

After taking the test, you will be informed of the result of the admission test by e-mail within one week.

Once the acceptance of the student has been received, the parent/guardian must make an appointment with the Collection Office to formalise the enrolment within a maximum of 5 working days. After this period, the place will be released for another applicant. 

The results will be updated weekly in a document available at the admissions office.


We inform you that we currently have vacancies at all levels 2025: Play Group to IV Medio.

For admissions 2024 we invite you to write to us:

*Last update April-May 2024